Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, 30 seconds into 2010 and I'm thinking whew - another decade. Where did it go? Where did the last ten years GO? I'm watching Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's in New York - and okay? When did Dick Clark haeve a stroke? I missed that one. He looks good.

Now Ryan Seacrest and Jennifer Lopez are dancing - okay, what IS she wearing? Yikes.

Anyways, I wish you a great 2010 and a blessed year. I wish you a year of hope, of love, of happiness. As for me, I am praying for a better year with my own health and the will to do what I need to do to continue to improve it. I am also praying for the continued health of my family and friends. I am hopeful for the country and I'm looking forward to so many good things happening this year.

Happy New Year. Nite.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa Is NOT Bringing a CAT!

I got up this morning in a pretty good mood. Quinn got up in a pretty good mood, I thought. Then she starts in at breakfast. "I want a cat. Why can't I have a cat? Everything I ask for, I never get. I hate my life. I never get what I want!".

She started on the whole "cat" request to Santa over the weekend. Where that came from, I'll never know? We have tried the gentle let down method - "Santa doesn't bring animals to our house. He just can't." and "Quinn we can't get a cat right now, we have a dog." Even, "I'm sure Santa won't disappoint you!" Nothing satisfied her demand.

Last night she started in at bedtime with "you never spend time with me." and "You don't like me as much as the babies." and "Why do I always have to go to school and they get to stay home with you?" and crying, lots of crying. It got to me. The guilt set in. I was sympathetic, then.

This morning, though, I'd had enough. I am sure it was not my proudest Parenting moment. My head started spinning. My heart started racing! If there is one thing I cannot stand it's my kids being ungrateful, spoiled, demanding divas. I yelled at her and surprising to me, burst into sobs. I told her, "You are not getting a cat! Let it go! I don't want to hear another word about it!" and "You have a life most kids dream of! Get off of it! I try to get you what you want when it's necessary. I flippin' went to Walmart twice to get you a turtle neck in the right color because you didn't like what I picked out!" I told her, "I'm done! Maybe I'll just take all the gifts you're getting and give them to a child who deserves them."

Quinn has a gift for needling you until you break. She hammers at your defenses, chink by chink until you absolutely blow up in her face and then she wonders, why that happened? Accepting "NO" as an answer is not her strong suit.

She immediately started saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" and crying. Then she says, "I hate myself. I'm stupid!" and I said, "No! You are not! Don't say that about yourself!". She knows that when she talks like that it gets to me too.

So, it's five minutes before the bus is to arrive and we both have splotchy faces and I'm so mad, I could spit nails. I'm thinking, how, in a matter of minutes did my day go so far south? I think seeing me upset freaked her out, but I just couldn't listen to her "crap" anymore. I really can't wait for puberty! NOT! I probably shoudn't have blown up like that, but I doubt she'll bring up the cat again. I am sure I'm on the Naughty list now - probably gonna find some coal in my stocking. Oh well!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ah, Lydia.

Today Lydia came home from preschool where they had their Christmas party and said, "Mom, you should have gotten the big napkins for our party." (We were in charge of plates and napkins, so I bought dessert size of both). I asked, "why?". and she said, "we got to ice some cupcakes and mine was pink and I made a BIGGGG mess. I needed more than one little napkin!". I said, "Duly noted. Next party - we get the big ones!" and she said, "good!"

I just found that funny.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Moment's Peace

I was sitting in the doctor's office today waiting, waiting, waiting to see him for a check up on my back. It was 30 minutes in the wait that I dug out my Christmas list and started going through it and thinking. It was quiet while I waited and I could breathe. I started thinking about how soon Christmas will be here and making lists of all that I have to do. Then my mind drifted off to Quinn and her class party (another to do list was made) and a little girl in there who has told Quinn she doesn't believe in Santa Claus. She told her that parents go out at night to buy presents for their kids. Quinn told her she was nuts because stores are not open at night! How silly! Anyways, I thought, what would I say to this girl if she challenged my belief in Santa?

Then my mind went to my childhood and waiting on the steps to the basement Christmas morning for my parents to wake up so we could go down and see if Santa came the night before. I wouldn't go down because I feared that of all the houses in the world, Santa would get tired and fall asleep on my couch, and he could still be there sleeping. That kid on the steps is still in me. I believe whole heartedly in the spirit of Santa and that is what I tell my own kids. So, if that little girl asks, that's what I'll tell her too.

This year, I fully expect to find Christmas under my tree, feverishly searching for gifts, and wrapped up in Christmas jammies. My four little elves will barely contain themselves racing me down the stairs to see if Santa came to visit them. It will be another notch in their childhood memories and another chapter in our family history. Christmas memories are the best kind, you know. How can you not believe in that? Santa's spirit will forever be a part of me and my kids.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Christmas Card

This task is one that should be fun. It's about reconnecting with loved ones and friends. It's about sharing news and pictures of your family. It's spreading Christmas one stamp at a time. This year, it's a little stressful. Writing the perfect Christmas letter with just the right about of newsy information about the family and a little humor is impossible this year. Don't get me wrong, we had a pretty good year. But, it wasn't overly eventful. Of course, if you re-read my blog from January on, you may disagree. I mean, it wasn't eventful in a Christmas letter kind of way.

We didn't move, we didn't have a kid, we didn't take a huge vacation, we kept our jobs (respectively and thankfully), we didn't get a new car. We pretty much maintained the status quo. This could be the shortest Christmas letter ever.

The art of the Christmas letter is one that takes crafting and patience. It takes editing and revising. I don't have that kind of time or energy this holiday season.

Wish me luck! I will probably just refer people to my blog and say, if you want to catch up on our life, here ya go! Is that terrible? Probably.

Merry Christmas!