Friday, January 23, 2009

I watched an interview with the Dugger family yesterday on TV and they had their newest clan member with them, Jordan (I think that's her name). Anyways, I just wanted to jump into the TV and strangle those people. As if I don't already have an inferiority complex about how I'm doing with my parenting of four kids, they have to be America's number one functional family with 18 kids and make it all look so easy. "We're debt free!" "Our kids take purity pledges!" "Our son got married without ever having kissed his wife until the wedding day!" (Like that is natural!). "We shop in thrift stores!" "We spend $3000 a month on groceries!" "We homeschool!" "We built our own (flippin') House!" "We wrote a book! (so everyone can be like us!). YEAH!

Okay, so I'm jealous! You guessed it! It's not normal to look so normal people, especially with a small town living in your house! I actually LIIIIIIKKKKEEEEE Jim Bob and Michelle. I think they look way too young for all the birthin' they've done and I look way too old. She must have a supernatural uterus to have held all them babies. Oh! and the kicker'? She had all those kids - au natural (no drugs involved!).

Oh well, in our house dysfunction is fun and it's normal, so I think I'll just bask in it's glory and when I see the Dugger's on TV next, I'll laugh because, reallllllly.......18 kids! There's some screws and nuts loose somewhere, f'er sure!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I have a theory that she is completely drugged all the time- and for God's sake- do something with that hair!!! Kate is more my style for sure!