Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's My Birthday and I'll Blog If I Want To

Another year has come and gone in a blur. All of a sudden it has dawned on me that I'm in my thirties. I guess I was in denial the first five years and now I'm REALLLLY into my 30's and I think, "Oh! hey! You're aging! Those fine lines around your eyes and creases in your cheeks - they aren't going away sister! The age spots on your hands and face, only getting darker as you mature to perfection. The muffin top around your waistline - ain't movin' on its own. The two grey straggles that keep coming back are probably just recruiting under my scalp for a whole army to spring forth any day now. The "girls" are heading south (and not just for the winter) along with my rear end. " I could go on. I am also thinking, It doesn't bode well for aging gracefully.

I did hear on Oprah, though, that sometimes having a little chub on ya, makes you look younger, especially as we age. The wrinkles are filled in by our plumpness. I thought, when I heard that, "Alleluia! I should look like a teenager then". Unfortunately, it doesn't mean we're all that prone to longevity.

Truth be told, I'm not that worried about all this. I am looking forward to the coming year and what it will encompass. I am on the verge of becoming more MOBILE with my kids and that whisp of freedom is enough to make me get the shakes. I realize I could set monstrous goals for the next year as I definitely have areas that need improvement in my life, but instead, I think the wisdom that comes of my 36 years tells me to throw the "bar" away that I was using to measure myself up with against the world and just live, breathe, laugh a lot and be happy with me. If I can do that, it's going to be a great year.


Jen said...

Happy Birthday (a little late)!!!

Adrienne said...

Never too late!