Sunday, October 4, 2009

Surgery Day

Thursday morning my Dad picked me up in the rain at 6:15 am to go to the outpatient surgery center in Chesterfield. I was not looking forward to my day ahead, but I had little choice in the matter - I had to just get it done.

We got there, checked in, and the nurses took me back to "get ready". First things first - they hand me a very stylish pair of support stockings for my legs to put on under my hospital gown to prevent blood clots. I wasn't sure for a minute if I was going to be able to get them on because it required bending over, but somehow, I did it. Then came the I.V. insertion - which doesn't phase me really and the nurse was an exceptional stick. Kudos to her for that one!

My Dad was then called in to join me while I waited and he had fun watching my blood pressure and heart rate accelerate and slow down as I got more nervous. Apparently, I talk a lot when I get nervous, but it was that or throw up, so talking it was. The anesthesiologist came in and talked to us, the pharmacy dropped off the drugs for after the surgery/pain meds, and the surgeon came in to talk to me.

Finally, around 8:45 am, Carl got there after getting the kids ready and Quinn off to school. He gave me a kiss and I was on my way to surgery. They had just administered a wonderful kiddy cocktail of all kinds of feel good drugs and I was pretty relaxed.

They took me into surgery, I was in the hospital bed, someone was talking to me about the oxygen mask he was going to use and the doctor was talking about his son's make up soccer game that evening when the next thing I know I'm waking up in recovery two hours later.
My throat hurt from the intubation and my back was definitely uncomfortable, although dulled by a slew of medication that they injected just before closing me up. I took my time waking up and actually took a nap for a while. Then I had to drink something, eat something, sit up a while, and use the restroom before I could go home. We left around 2:40 pm and were home around 3:00 pm.

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