It's Monday on another week in the hospital. Ugh. The good news is Dad's WBC went up to 1.9 yesterday and his ANC was at 1558! The Doctor told him this morning that if Dad was up moving more, walking around, and eating, he'd be going home TODAY. Of course, he's not doing those things.
When I got to the hospital at 2:00, the P/T was trying to get Dad up and walking. It took about 20 minutes to get Dad out of the room and then he did one lap around the hall with two rests. Considering he hasn't left the room in two weeks, that was pretty good. Of course, the P/T suggested he take another walk this evening - doubt that happens.
Dad's still barely eating - he falls asleep sitting up and just seems so withdrawn. Mom had it out with him this morning apparently just trying to tell him to get up and do SOMETHING so they could get the heck out of the hospital. Dad just sits there and looks at her. I can only imagine what he's thinking inside. I'm sure it's something like, "You don't understand! You're not sick! You try to get up when you feel like I do!" He's just lost some of his sparkle and the twinkle in his eye is barely a flicker right now.
It's going to take getting through this emotional valley he's in to get through the physcial one. But, while we do that, it's really wearing on my Mom and the rest of us too. The radiation really just wiped him out completely and I think just struggling through the past 5 months has taking it's toll.
Pray for the sparkle to come back soon for my Dad. Thanks for checking in today! : )
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