Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm sure it's a Twin thing and I don't understand.

I am sure that I am not the only mother in the world to look at her children and be continually awed and amazed, but the twins are something entirely new for me and they really do bogle the mind. Tonight, for instance....they got out of the bathtub and for some reason, Hayden had a complete melt down - we're talking hysterics. I laid her down to diaper her and she was just uncontrollably sobbing. William, also naked at that point, took off crawling like a mad man to our bedroom and I was saying, "Will, come back...buddy, come bacccck." Next thing you know, he's rushing back with Hayden's blankie and sets it on her chest. Then, he's off again. She instantly calmed down by the way and was almost waiting for him to return. I say again, "Buddy, come back!" but he keeps going back to the bedroom. Then, here he comes again, but this time, with Hayden's binky in his hand. He crawls right up to her again and pops it into her mouth. Then he waits and she smiles at him - as if to say, "Thanks bro, you took care of me!" The piece de la resistance is he just laid down next to her to get his diaper on and laughed. Talk about amazing.

They do that stuff all the time. William knows that she likes her binky and it makes her happy and I think he would crawl to the ends of the earth to get it for her. Or...maybe he's just trying to hush her up and it's not a twin thing at all - instead it's a man thing (which again, I don't understand) or a big brother thing. Six minutes ahead of her makes him her big brother after all. Whatever it is, they understand each other at this point and it's interesting to watch and be a part of.

1 comment:

Lori said...

That is so sweet! I think that it has to be a twin thing!