Monday, August 31, 2009

It's coming

Yesterday my husband went on a testoterone induced shopping spree to purchase his dream screen. Yes, we're getting a new and bigger TV. It's something he deserves and has wanted for a while, so I really have no complaints. Did I mention, we're also getting surround sound and a blu-ray DVD player (all a part of the package deal). I don't know about you all, but I've gone television shopping and I don't know if it's my eyes or I'm just not that picky, but all the screens seem to have good pictures. I can't tell one from the other or how fast one is processing verses another. Frankly, give me the good old cathode ray tube and let it be. Color, of course. I'm not ready to revert to monochrome just yet.

Why are TVs some bastion of masculinity that all men feel the need to "enhance"? I mean, it's like a sign - "My TV's bigger than yours!" - nanny nanny boo boo. The funny thing was he took the advertisement of this "deal" to the guys down the street to check out and verify that it was such a "good" deal we couldn't pass it up.

The new black box for our home which sucks the brains out of my kids and hubby is coming tomorrow and getting hooked up next week, so I have a few days still of semi consciousness around here amongst the masses, after that - I'm sure the bigger picture will enthrall them all and they'll be goners to Nickelodeon, Disney, and ESPN.

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