Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 10 - No news is Good news

I can't believe the past three days have flown by and I've had nothing earth shattering to report. I spent the better part of the end of the week getting ready for Lydia's birthday party on Saturday and Mother's Day.

Today, when I visited Dad, he was looking great! He's unhooked from the IV now unless he is getting his antibiotic IV fluid or other medication. His White cells (WBC) are at .1 and his platelets were at 8 today. He did get blood transfused last night, so his hemoglobin and hematocrit were good today. This evening he was going to be getting platelets.

Otherwise, all things Dad are status quo. We are all afraid to be so optimistic about the lack of side effects he's experienced this round of chemo. He hasn't had the red, swollen, peeled hands or the blisters in his mouth. He hasn't even suffered the extreme water retention. We just say everyday without those things happening, or starting, is a good day!

His appetite is relatively good. I brought him a shake today and a BBQ pork steak and he downed both with out a hitch. His appetite suffered last round too, if you remember.

Basically, we're just praying it stays this good.

Thanks for checking in with us. Keep the prayers coming. They must be working because we're doing really well right now. : )

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