Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 21-Cautiously Optimistic

Last night Lydia "graduated" from preschool and my Mom came. The twins sang in the program which was very cute. Mom filled me in on Dad at the program. Apparently, they restarted the prednisone for the gout (which is the steroid) and then an orthopedist came in yesterday and wanted to draw fluid out of Dad's knee. He said, "no" at first. Then the Dr. explained that they actually think he has bursitis and not an infection in his knee, but they want to do a draw and test it anyways - then Dad conceded. I don't blame him for not wanting a needle stuck in his knee!

He was still very stiff yesterday and not moving well, but the good thing was his blood results came back and his white cells were still at .2, they didn't go down, so YEAH! The other news is that he has ANC's! YEAH! Remember, ANCs are neutrophils that are components of the white cells that fight infection etc. He has 40. Normal is 1000, but it's a move in the right direction - from 0 to 40. YEAH again!

Small victories, people, we're talking small victories -but victories nonetheless.

This morning I talked to Dad and woke him up actually - ooops! It was 9:45! He had taken two pain pills before bed last night and finally got a good night's sleep. I asked how he felt and he said he was "cautiously optimistic" but he hadn't tried to get up or anything. That's okay! I'll take cautiously optimistic over the doldrums we have had the past few days. I don't blame him at all for any of it, he's been a trooper!

She had told me last night that Dad is calling her the "food nazi" because she's pushing him to eat all the time. Well, he's lost 8 pounds since being in the hospital and he does need to keep up his strength and eat more. He's trying. It was funny, though, because this morning he told me the "food nazi" is coming in later. Heee Heee Hee.

Hospitals make for a lot of togetherness - sometimes too much! : )

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