Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 11 - clickity clack

I don't know where the past few days have gone. It's crazy. I actually got on the blog and thought, okay - it's Monday. Yikes, I'm losing days now.

Anyways, after being out of town this weekend, I saw Dad yesterday. He has definitely been feeling the effects of having no immune system the past three or four days. He's really tired, just no gas in his tank, as he says.

Yesterday, the same old battle to get him to eat something was being hard fought by my Mom. He just doesn't feel like it, so he doesn't.

His WBC count is at .1 - that is really the lowest of the lows. The radiation and chemo have caught up to Dad's body and are doing their thing. We are still in the wait for other reactions to set in from the transplant but we probably have another week to see if anything develops. Then we continue waiting for his body to start recovering and the good cells to take hold.

Tonight, Quinn had her third swim meet and we're busy gearing up for the twins' third birthday this weekend. It's funny how life just GOES on whether you want it to or not. Amongst all the chaos of my Dad's situation, the daily grind just passes me by and all the little things we do clickity clack through the day and into the next week. Somedays, I just wish I could get it to all stop so I can catch my breath. I haven't figured out how to do that yet, though.

Keep up the prayers. I take every chance I get to send up a little one - don't want the man upstairs to forget what we're doing here. God Bless.

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