Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Little Buggers Are Back

Dad had blood drawn today and it came back with his white count doubling from his last draw, which was last Friday, I think. He was at a 4 last Friday and today it was at an 8. The doctor thinks the little buggers are back and depending on his count on Thursday, will administer a couple days of what we're assuming is an oral chemo drug for Thursday and Friday before Dad goes back in the hospital.

I know it had Dad down and he said he even told the doctor that he wished, just once, he'd have some good news for him. Dad admits the Doctor told him this would be a fight.

I feel like at least we have a plan going forward right now. We know what's going to happen next week and for a while after - sort of. I told Dad it would be worse if we didn't have a plan of attack. I don't know if he bought that or not.

Anyways, the war rages in my Dad's bones, let's pray that donor has some mega cells that can kick this crud's butt.

Friday we're celebrating Father's Day with Dad at home and tomorrow, depending on how he feels, he'll come watch Quinn swim in her first swim meet.

Signing off for now.....

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