Sunday, March 8, 2009

Houdini I & II

I am sure I'll have more "Houdini" stories, so I numbered this one, Numero Uno and Dos. It all began Friday when I let the twins out on the back deck to play (big mistake). They tasted the fresh air and were hooked. It was like they were crack addicts on Spring. Now they know that the back door is not an electrically charged force field they cannot penetrate, instead, it's a flimsy screen door that slides (easily) and on the other side of it, Nirvana! So. We went out to play and they keep trying to go out ever since, constantly messing with the doors.

Saturday, we went out to play via the basement door thinking it was safer than going down the deck stairs. When we came in, much, much, later, I had two very unhappy 20 month olds on my hands. Being the problem solver that he is, William, remembered the door to the basement was open, so he stealthily scooted down the steps on his rear (I imagine) and managed to open the sliding door in the basement to get....oh yeah, a BALL, which was out on the patio underneath the deck. The only flaw to his plan was the fact that the hanging swing under the deck was over the ball. When he moved the swing and bent down to get the ball- BAM, it smacked him in the forehead and he was crying, thus alerting the adults in the residence that he had escaped.

That feat was only to be followed by this yesterday morning's escape....I was doing the dishes in the kitchen before church, when I look out and see a little blond head running under the window on the deck - William had escaped, again. What for, you ask? You guessed it - a Ball! He was happily doing a jig out there until I sashayed him inside again. We are definitely getting a gate to that deck - pronto! I can't afford to loose someone tumbling down the steps this summer.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love keeping up with you through your blogs, Once a month at Bunco just isn't enough :)