I've made several Lenten promises to myself this year. I've completed a few already. I went to the Stations of the Cross with Quinn which was awesome. She actually started to tear up and that touched me because you wonder if your kid really gets it. If they really understand the sacrifice Jesus made for us. In all honesty, it's only been since I became a Mother myself that I could even begin to fathom and understand the life Mary, His mother, must have lead. How completely agonizing it must have been to watch your Son scorned, tossed out, abused, refused, and ultimately executed. I couldn't have born it and I don't know how she did.
Another promise, I made, was to go to Penance. I can't remember the last time I did that. I actually think it was before I got Married in 2000. I have never been very comfortable with this sacrament. I think I've said the same sins for the past 25 years. I have my standard faves that get me through and I get a couple Hail Marys, maybe a Glory Be and an Our Father or two and I'm good. Well, I'm gonna give it a go and try to really get more out of it than I did when I was younger.
Another promise, I made, was to go to Penance. I can't remember the last time I did that. I actually think it was before I got Married in 2000. I have never been very comfortable with this sacrament. I think I've said the same sins for the past 25 years. I have my standard faves that get me through and I get a couple Hail Marys, maybe a Glory Be and an Our Father or two and I'm good. Well, I'm gonna give it a go and try to really get more out of it than I did when I was younger.
Just as a quick finish - The priest who said Mass on Sunday said some very interesting things during his homily and I think what made the most impact on me was when he was talking about Moses on the Mount and the fact that all the while Moses is receiving the tablets, his brother, a master craftsman, is concocting a golden calf - a false idol, down below. He said, these people were putting road blocks, distractions, between themselves and God. He said our God has many human characteristics, such as jealousy. He said, God doesn't want us to be consumed by other false idols, or occupations- which take our attention away from Him. He said we may think we're civilized Christians in this day and age and know the difference between False Idolitry and what is real, but in reality, we all put false idols between us and the Lord. We all find distractions that come between us and God. He's right. I am guilty and I think I'll add that to my list of sins for Penance!
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