Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dad's back in the hospital

Dad went to his clinic appointment today and he is still suffering from nausea and stomach upset issues. The doctor was very concerned about his lack of energy and just overall condition. He checked Dad back in the hospital to just figure out what it going on. It could be an infection. It could be the graft vs. host disease rearing its ugly head. Who knows?

Dad's numbers are looking really good still, so he is still in remission, but these other factors are not helping him enjoy it. Hopefully we'll figure this out quickly and he can go back home.

Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday. If you think about it, call her or send her a card.

I know Dad's in the best place and apparently he wasn't upset about checking in - so he must be feeling like scum. I feel so bad for him.

Keep us in your prayers. We know you do. Hopefully this roller coaster ride will be a quick one and we can move on to bigger and better things for all of us.

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