Friday, March 13, 2009

Lights Out

Last night Lydia was having trouble going to bed, so I turned the bathroom light on outside her room to see better as I was settling her in again. I didn't turn the light off in the bathroom and left. A short while later, little short stuff in her panda PJs comes sauntering out and says with a sassy shake of her head, "MOM, you forgot to turn the light off." I said, "Can't you do it?". Little Ms. Sassy pants says, "It's not my job. It's your job." SNAP. I said, "Well, I think you can manage it this time." So she did, but she was none too happy about it. I had to laugh seeing her little crumpled bob styled head sway with her valley girl attitude as she walked back into her room. She's three for crying out loud!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That's funny! Fun times ahead with that one...

I added a "followers" to my sidebar, Adrienne, so hopefully that will work.