Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I had a terrific lunch with a neighbor today and you wanna know why it was so terrific? It reminded me of my playgroup days with Quinn where once a week, I had adult conversation in the middle of the day and it felt so "grown up" and refreshing. She also brought me a delicious WW friendly lunch! She said something that struck a chord with me. She said she doesn't like to be tied down by the kids and I thought, I am tied down (still) with 21 month olds and I need to bust out of this rutt and get out more.

I saw a show on Oprah the other day about Motherhood and these Moms were saying that they loved their children, but hated "motherhood". They said, that until they gave up some of the unrealistic notions of staying at home or just being a Mom, they did not enjoy themselves. One thing they said, was that they were schedule driven and that was putting a damper on their lives. I am completely schedule driven and I can't see another way of surviving my life. I don't hate motherhood, but it does take a while to get your groove.

I was perusing a summer camp schedule this afternoon for the older girls. I don't know why we have kids if we're going to farm them out the first chance we get, but we do it. I just think they are going to need a lot of distractions this summer for us to all survive. The ultimate goal is to have them in camps the same week. Still looking into it!

The latest in Twin World is that they are starting to understand Time Out and saying they're "sorry". Yesterday, Hayden was being a particular stinker and either hit Will or took something from him, but he was crying. I told her to say "Sorry" and give him a hug and she garbled "sorry" and did just that. It was SOOOO cute. Will smiled through the tears and went on his merry way. Later, she was again in mischief and I asked if she needed a "Time Out"? She looked at me and said, sternly, "NO!". The way you develop language is really fascinating. Watching your kids explode with language is really amazing.

On the WW front - gained this week - but I was out of town over the weekend drinking Margaritas and wine, so that is to be expected. I'm at a point that I just want to bust through this "decade" of weight and into a lower one, but I'm on the cusp and it just won't budge. Once I get through this stumbling block, hopefully I'll hit a new set of numbers. I'm pretty tired of these.

Learned something new yesterday. Did not know that the Tridium of masses for Easter was actually one continuous service - starting Holy Thursday, culminating Easter Sunday or Easter Vigil, I guess.

This is a very fragmented entry, but oh well! Have a great day!

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