Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 33 - The Long Haul

If you haven't given up on this blog by now, you're in it for the long haul like us. I know how it is to follow somebody through their illness and it takes some fortitude to keep reading up on them sometimes. We appreciate that you are still behind us and sending up your prayers.

Went to visit Dad today. Yesterday, I wasn't feeling up to snuff and figured, why risk it? He is definitely heading back into the harder part of chemo treatment. If you remember about a week after his first series of chemo, his hands started swelling and blistering and his tongue and throat too. It was absolutely miserable. Well, he's starting to have some of those symptoms again.

His feet and hands are swollen and red (not as red as before), but they are blistering and peeling already. His mouth is starting to react again and develop the herpes sores. He's sleeping a lot and pretty lethargic right now.

The fact that he had to repeat chemo was enough of a bludgeon, but now that he's reacting the same again, it's really dragging him down a little. Once we got through the first time, we were so hoping not to have the same symptoms crop up again.

We are again waiting for his neutrophils to show up (those are the white blood cells that fight infection etc). It could be another 8-10 days, though, at least.

In the meantime, thanks for checking in and sticking it out with us.

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