Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 45 - A Spark of Pep

Dad has a little more pep in him today. He is really trying to eat even if it's not going that well. He managed to walk the entire hallway and bicycle for 10 minutes in the workout room - it was not at marathon pace, but he as moving the entire time.

His numbers are staying kind of steady from yesterday, which is good. His ANCS are down a little in the 500s from where they were in the 600s. That's okay, they are going to go up and down for a while.

He is taking most of his medication orally again, so he only has his nutritional supplement and an antibiotic hanging on his IV stand.

He moved rooms yesterday and the new room has better seating, so he can comfortably sit up some during the day and watch basketball! Bummer about Mizzou.

Mom was going to try and get him to take one more walk this evening before she left and get him to order some dinner.

More tomorrow.

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