Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 50

Last night the blogger was down so I didn't get to report that my Dad had been given a couple "booster" shots on Thursday night and Friday to help his blood counts. The numbers after that were astonishing. His WBC went up to 2.8 and his ANC's to 1820! Since then they have come down a little bit and they are going to give him another booster tonight, but not as much of one as before.

They want him to sustain these numbers a couple days and have told him he'll probably be going home on Monday!

He's completely off all his IV's, he's up and "exercising" by walking the halls and he's really trying to consume more calories. He's doing awesome.

We're so excited that Dad will be coming home soon. We're still taking it one day at a time, but for now, we're celebrating.

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