Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 46 - One Grumpy Grandpa

I walked into Dad's room this morning at 9:30 and could tell he was already out of sorts. I filled up his water and he started in on how awful his night was. The woke him up at 2:00 am for platelets and they constantly come in an check his vitals. Personally, all this complaining was a good sign for me because it means he's really starting to feel better.

The doctor came in a little later and made the mistake of saying that Dad was on his way home, which Dad latched on to and like a dog with a bone and was like, "when!?". Anyways, he's not going anywhere until his numbers come up better and he's eating more consistently. He also has to get off the nutritional supplement they're giving him via IV.

This afternoon, I talked to Mom and she said one of their main doctors came in and saw Dad. He wants to do a bone marrow biopsy sooner than later. He's really happy with how Dad looks and that his red cells have been holding steady. He's more concerned that his ANC's (those darned neutrophils) are dipping. He had hit the 600s and is now back down in the 300s. That's definitely worrisome.

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