Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 18 - Weekend Follow up

Well, the bone marrow test went much better than last time on Friday. In fact, they used so much anesthetic that my Dad was pretty out of it all evening, which was good.

His throat condition has not really improved. It's actually a bad case of herpes. We all get cold sores (Herpes), but this is that, but all over your throat and mouth. I don't know if I could handle that as well as he does. Just one cold sore does me in.

Note the new pic of my Dad on the blog page. It's a good look for him - no hair. I made him a "doo rag" for experimental head coverage and it didn't fly. He thought he looked like aunt jemima - so he's going au natural.

Here are the current numbers :

WBC - . 3

Hb - 8.3

Hct - 23.6

Plt - 9

Cr - .65

Looking at the last batch of numbers I posted on Day 12 - everything is about the same except Dad's WBC (white blood cells) went up a little. They were actually a .4 on Saturday and came down to a .3 - which is normal. They are going to go up and then down a little and back up for a while. The good thing is they are starting to climb.

He will be receiving a couple units of blood tonight, platelets, potassim and magnesium in addition to the pain meds, antibiotics and other fluids. He's a pharmacy all unto himself, really.

He was tired and Mom is determined to get his butt out of bed tomorrow and walking the halls. She will too! We keep pushing the food element even though he can't swallow it easily. I was suggesting Italian ices, cottage cheese, ice cream, and gatorade. He didn't go for any of it. I am just hoping by the end of this week his mouth has improved so he CAN eat something.

More tomorrow! : )

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