Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 6

I didn't make it up to the hospital today - I'm feeling a little under the weather, so better not be around Dad. After talking to my Mom around 1:30pm, she said he had managed to get up and take a walk with the physical therapist (which is great!) and that PT was going to be bringing him some kind of machine for him to work on to keep him moving. Dad ordered breakfast for himself this morning, which is good (he hasn't eaten in 6 days, really).

We hadn't heard anything new from his blood counts at that point and I don't know if that has changed yet or not. The nurses said not to obsess about the counts, but it's hard not to.

Otherwise, Mom thought he sounded a little better and just getting to shower again was a huge spirit booster.

They have told us that Dad will probably lose his hair (I'm thinking next week), so that will definitely be interesting. We were kidding with my cousin that he could get a bad ass tattoo on his skull. Anything is possible. That's my new mantra.

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