Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 25 - So long February

I have never been so happy to say GOODBYE to a month.

Dad will start his fourth night of chemo tonight. He is running a fever and had a headache today while we were there. He was really trying to eat something and got some turkey and stuffing down and some cherry slushy. I think his mouth has improved and his will is there to want to eat, but his head was just brutal.

The numbers are holding. He will get transfused some blood tonight if the fever can come down some. His white blood cells are back down to .2, which is pretty much 0. They had gone up to 1.5 or so earlier in the week, which is okay, I guess, considering he started out at 43.0 and above.

They are really monitoring his fluid intake and outake and have given a diuretic again. He was on oxygen part of the day too, which seems to go hand in hand with the fever.

That's about it for today - nothing huge, which hey! I'll take it.

Let's hope March holds true to tradition - comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

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