Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 23

Nothing much new to report. Dad had his Doppler today and they're awaiting those results. Until that happens, everything is kind of on hold. The number that jumped was his Creatinine number. It went up to a 2 something and normal is under 1.5, I think. Anyways, that's what tipped them off to the kidney issue.

Dad is growing a little peach fuzz back on his head - pretty good. His hands are pealing really bad from that red hand side effect last week.

He managed to get down some of a slushy from Sonic that I brought in and said it tasted pretty good. He commented that the fish fry I'm going to tonight sounded good, too, so maybe his appetite is coming back a little.

Just another day in oncology, so check back later for something more exciting.

Thanks for all the prayers and support - we know you are all there for us.

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