Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 8 & Quinn's 8th Birthday (crazy 8s)

My Mom said my Dad rode the stationary bike for 15 minutes this morning and took a walk with Ethan through the halls. He has come off the oxygen for the most part, but they did have him back on it while he was "working out". The chest x-ray from yesterday showed that the left side of my Dad's lungs still have some fluid (pneumonia), but the right was clear.

They are still monitoring his fluid intake and output religiously and everything else.

His WBC count was down to a .6 today - which is good. It's getting there.

Yesterday the managing head nurse (formerly known as head honcho nurse in a previous post) came in and answered a bunch of questions for my parents. Basically, best case scenario - my dad will complete this phase of induction (chemotherapy), wait, and see what happens next week with his body reacting to the chemo, do another bone marrow draw (next Friday), and test for the presence of the bad WBCs again. Hopefully, they won't find any and we can continue to monitor his progress another week or so and go home. He will then come back for maintenance therapy for several months.

If they do find the bad WBCs again after the bone marrow test next Friday, we go back to square one and start chemo all over again.

All in all, though, today is about Quinn's 8th birthday. We have done the donuts for class thing, I went up to school and ate lunch with her, and we're going to bake her a cake and make tacos for dinner (her fave). All of that and a couple gifts too. I want it to be a banner birthday for her. Wish me luck!

Thank you again for the blessings, notes, and prayers. Keep them coming. That is all GOOD MEDICINE for our family. My Dad needs the medicine the doctors can provide, but he also needs the MEDICINE we can provide, so thank you!

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