Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Evening Edition - (last night, posted this AM)

Talked to Mom a little more tonight. This round of chemo is a series of two and a half hour treatments, once a day. So Dad will start them at 9:30pm and they'll go until midnight. Three different drugs will be given during that time.

The doctors told them that he has a chromosomal mutation called FLT3. You can look it up for more detailed info, but basically, the FLT3 is extremely resistant to chemotherapy.

I don't know where all this leaves us. I think too much info is not always good because it blocks what we should really be focusing on. I know, for me, it's been way too much to process today. I am also going to block all websites to AML and just listen to the doctors - TMI - too much information.

More tomorrow.


Jen said...

I'm sending lots of cancer beating thoughts and prayers your way! thanks for taking time to update all your blog readers. Love you!

Adrienne said...

thanks, Jen - love you guys too!