Friday, April 30, 2010


Dad goes to the clinic at 11:00 am for tests and then to the doctor at noon for some biopsy results.

The weather didn't lend itself to fishing yesterday, but Mom and Dad hit the casino for some entertainment and lost - but I think it was fun anyways.

Thanks to my bunco gals last night for just being there for me and letting me have some good laughs - which is great medicine for me. I needed them. We're gearing up for round two in the hospital and after this afternoon, we'll know when that will begin.

I wouldn't be surprised if they want Dad to check in sooner than May 10th. We'll see.

Send up a prayer today and wish upon a star tonight, for us. God Bless.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Biopsy Done

The biopsy today went really well. Talked to my Mom while they were in Best Buy shopping for a portable DVD player that Dad can use in the hospital. They took blood again today at the clinic and the numbers sucked. Yesterday Dad's WBC (remember these terms people? White Blood Cells) were at 20. Today they shot up to 30. That alone is an indicator that the leukemia bugs are back. The bone marrow biopsy today will give us the real picture when the doctor goes over the results on Friday.

Tomorrow Dad is hoping to hit the pond and do some fishing. Wish him well pulling in the granddaddy of all fish.

I'm thankful for today, hopeful for tomorrow, and wishing on the future. Keep up the prayers my friends - they work. Love ya!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dad Update

A new "Day 1" in the hospital is swiftly approaching our family. The latest blood results from Friday and today were very concerning. The doctor has moved up my Dad's bone marrow biopsy to tomorrow. We are all fairly certain the leukemia has returned. My Dad will then go to the doctor on Friday for results and a new game plan.

The original plan was for Dad to enter the hospital on May 10th and start a standard regimen of chemotherapy to start the process of a bone marrow transplant (May 17). Now, there is talk of doing one of two more intense chemo treatments which may include radiation. We'll learn more on Friday.

We've had an amazing month off from the roller coaster ups and downs - it has been a welcome break. Now that we are facing the second phase of treatment, we ask you to be even more vigilant in your prayers for our family. Please continue to ask for God's gift of healing and health for my Dad and all who suffer from illness. Thank you and God Bless.

First Communion

Quinn celebrated her First Communion on April 24th - this past Saturday. It was a wonderful day. I think she had a very special event. The service at church was beautiful. The kids were immaculate and angelic (ha!) looking. The whole thing was just perfect.

I was sitting there thinking - how did I get here so fast? 8 years, just flew by! I was remembering when she was born and then her baptism. I was thinking of her chubby little legs as a baby and then how she followed me around in a diaper with her binky as a toddler. Now, she was sitting here so regal, so still, so beautiful in the fourth row.

The priest gave a fantastic homily about treasure. He related that the greatest treasure on earth is the holy eucharist. I thought to myself, one of my treasures is sitting up ahead and God do I love that little girl. I could not be more blessed in this world. Truly.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hospital Round 2 Scheduled

My Dad has been doing really well. He hasn't needed blood since he got out of the hospital before Easter, however, he is going in tomorrow for a couple pint refills. They have tentatively scheduled him to come back into the hospital on May 10th.

This will be for his Bone Marrow Transplant round.

The first thing they will do is start chemo, bring his body back down to nothing, and then the donor (who's in Europe somewhere), will donate on the 16th. They plan to do the transplant on the 17th, I think.

After that we deal with the side effects from chemo on top of the side effects from the transplant. He'll be taking anti-rejection drugs and probably more antibiotics to fight off any potential infections as they are part of the risks you submit to when undergoing this type of treatment.

May 10th is also Lydia's 5th birthday. We seem to making family milestones out of birthdays these days. Dad was pretty much officially diagnosed Feb 2-3, his Mom's birthday. My birthday followed right after he started round one of Chemo. Now Lydia's birthday. We can hope that he's home again by the twins birthday on July 3rd or at the latest by Carl's birthday, July 16th.

This week marks a milestone for Quinn, though. She'll be making her First Communion on Saturday, April 24th. I can't believe how fast it has arrived. I have so much to do before then. I somehow, stupidly, emptied all the back shelves in my storage room and have been digging through 18 bins of clothes for the garage sale on May 17th. I have a lot to get done before Dad goes back in the hospital so that my summer isn't about having these chores hanging over my head on top of trying to visit him and take care of the kids, while having the summer of their lives swimming and playing.

Keep praying, keeping lighting candles at your churches, keep us in your thoughts as we gear up for this next chapter.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Holding steady

Dad went to the clinic on Saturday and all was well - no blood, no platelets needed.

He goes back today and we'll see how his numbers look now.

Mom said he is definitely getting stronger, but he was losing weight still, which is a concern.

He goes back to the doctor on Friday this week for a check up.

In the meantime, Sterl came home on Sunday. He is living at home for the time being. I haven't seen him yet, but probably will later this week. I'm glad he's back.

Otherwise, we're starting to gear up for Quinn's First Communion. Seems like the list of things to do is growing for the festivities. I am excited for her, though.

I had a great visit with a friend from the Lahore days this Saturday. Omar Majeed was in town for a showing of his documentary, Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam, at Webster University. I went to the film and it was great. He is amazing. Anyways, it was really nice to catch up since the last time I saw him was at my wedding, nearly 10 years ago.

More later!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Outpatient Visit today

Dad went into the treatment center today for bloodwork. Then they determine if he needs blood products or anything. We were all expecting him to get blood since it's been 5 days. Surprisingly, he didn't! All his numbers were great - holding steady. His WBC's are at 7 and his platelets were in the 40s. His hemoglobin and hemocrit held, so no blood.


He doesn't see the doctor until a week from this Friday. He goes back to the treatment center on Friday for more bloodwork.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Dad had his first outpatient appointment yesterday afternoon. It went pretty long because they decided to transfuse platelets. He will be going in on Tuesdays and Fridays for appointments.

The doctor sat down with he and Mom and went over all the options for his case. There aren't many, really. He is not a good candidate to continue chemo for many factors, so that leaves a bone marrow transplant or nothing. There is a lot to think about.

The upside of all of this is that Dad is home and it's Easter. I'm very thankful for all the blessings in my life and this time of year really brings that into focus. I am full of hope for all of us.

Love to all and I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you!